The dawn of Chiropractic confronted organised Medicine with a classic conflict between patient interests and Medicine’s massive, global vested interests.
Global medicine’s ethical choice was to 1) refer patients who have subluxation-related disorders to chiropractors and to act cooperatively with chiropractors, 2) deny the very existence of subluxation-related disorders and syndromes, and continue providing medical treatment of the symptoms for as long as the subluxation-related symptom/s continued.
Organised medicine chose a vested interest. Legislators in various countries, gifted Medicine a virtual monopoly within public health by proclaiming anything to do with advice about, the diagnosis and or treatment of disease to be the practice of Medicine.
Governments achieved medicine’s virtual monopoly by restructuring uniquely one illness industry into a massive public, and a small private health marketplace. In normal commerce, such exclusive dealing is illegal. Exclusive dealing is legal when business is conducted between governments and the medical profession.
For over fifty years, each nation has contained potential competitors to Medicine, those non-medical healthcare providers, within that nation’s private health marketplace.
The illness industry is the only industry with an anti-competitive structure that denies potential competitors market access by containing their role within another artificial marketplace.
Consider the dollar value to the medical profession and big pharma of excluding chiropractic from one public health marketplace, where over 10 million Australians shop. The government bears sole responsibility for Australia’s public health system precluding chiropractic care.
Medicine enjoys similar trading advantages around the world. The containment of chiropractic in the developed world’s private health marketplace seemingly would have, over those decades been worth many billions of dollars to global medicine.
One may wonder: How much does it cost global organised medicine to own the allegiance of the rest of the international health care Establishment?