Greetings to our patients, in 1993 Jayne Rogers became a staff member at our clinic. Recently when celebrating Jayne’s birthday I read this message.

A Tribute To A Friend.
During our last thirty years, thousands of patients have expressed compliments to me about Jayne Rodgers, our head receptionist.
That time equates with thousands of days when Jayne arrived a bit early, always a joy to be around; reliably ready to help with whatever confronts her during each clinic shift.
When Jayne experienced the tragedy of losing loved ones, she concealed her grief and continued giving her caring attention to patients.
That care has included a marvelous memory for details about who is who among our patients.
Throughout our decades together, Jayne’s tactful attitude has contributed to the peaceful atmosphere of thousands of clinic sessions.
I greatly appreciate both Jayne’s tolerant support of my lobbying decades and her patience with my many shortcomings.
I am sure many patients will agree with those sentiments.
Dr Mac