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Losing the War on Chiropractic

Chiropractic Philosophy

In 1895, after DD Palmer observed that spinal adjustments led to a man recovering from partial deafness and later, to a woman’s recovery from heart-related symptoms, chiropractic began.

Palmer recognised that patients would benefit from the removal of nerve interference in the communication network to and from the brain to other parts of the body. That led to the evolvement of the chiropractic philosophy that I learnt in in the 1960s.

  1. A Universal Intelligence is responsible for our universe and all within it coming into existence and functioning in an orderly manner for billions of years.
  2. That same Universal intelligence expresses itself in all life, as an innate or inborn intelligence, controlling and coordinating all life.
  3. A human’s Innate Intelligence coordinates the body’s guesstimated 34 to 37 trillion cells.
  4. Eventually in all life, the expression of Innate Intelligence ceases.

In all life forms, life itself is the expression of an inborn intelligence called innate. Innate Intelligence is essential to the existence of all life forms.

From the beginning of life to the end of life, innate intelligence is in evidence.

Innate intelligence oversees tissue formation; it counters the invasion of pathogens and controls chemical reactions. Innate intelligence oversees growth, be it from a little seed to a pine tree or a eucalyptus tree or a mouse or an elephant.

Chiropractic philosophy is about your lifetime, it is not about what happens after your death.

Firstly, philosophy is ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, and much more. Whereas theology is the belief in and worship of a god or gods.

Nerve Charts

Every living entity has an innate intelligence, which allows it to adapt to the environment to survive. Living things are not random collections of molecules and atoms. They all are organised into functioning entities that adapt to their environment.

Your innate intelligence oversaw your two cells uniting and eventually forming about 26,000,000,000 cells in you as a newborn baby.

During its development, your nervous system underwent remarkable changes to attain its complex organisation. In order to produce the estimated 1 trillion neurons, present in the mature brain, an average of 2.5 million neurons must be generated per minute during the entire prenatal life. This includes the formation of neuronal circuits comprising 100 trillion synapses, as each potential neuron is ultimately connected with either a selected set of other neurons or specific targets such as sensory endings. Moreover, synaptic connections with other neurons are made at precise locations on the cell membranes of target neurons.

There is within each individual, one common intelligence, which conceives, develops, gives birth, produces and reproduces, and performs life functions throughout one’s life, within each, in common. Our innate intelligence wisely oversees the coordination of all of the systems and functions of the body.

‘Innate’ means inborn, life is the innate expression of universal intelligence in all life forms. Every living thing possesses 100% of the Innate Intelligence it needs.

Innate intelligence is required to oversee the growth from conception to birth, and then throughout life’s control and coordination of the vast array of functions that are essential to life.

The nervous system is the main pathway for our Innate Intelligence to oversee the body’s coordinated management.

The 34 or so trillion cells in a human body ‘know’ exactly what they need and how to adapt to our environment in order to function best. When a subluxation prevents Innate from carrying on its normal functions, Innate may create subluxation-related symptoms.

Minor spinal misalignments, fixated joints and nerve interference combine to obstruct the free flow of nerve energy from the brain to the tissue cells and from the tissue cells to the brain. That interferes with Innate Intelligence’s expression within the body preventing the body from running flawlessly the way it was intended to run; thereby making the body less able to live its life at a full 100% potential.

With the correction of the subluxation Innate resumes control, the symptom announcing the problem is no longer needed, so Innate (not the chiropractor) causes the symptom to subside.

At the time of death in vertebrates, the nervous system may be intact. When innate intelligence ceases to control and coordinate the body, death (the destiny of all life) occurs.

The foregoing information should be common knowledge. Please encourage those whom you share it with to pass it on to others.

The Lonely Way

Watching, constantly watching, silently comparing, and judging my system of values to theirs.

I wanted those who govern and those who control government to be righteous. Hallmarks of their integrity such as true altruism proved to be a shallow disguise for self-interested betrayal.

I tested what I saw as the fundamental value system of government and found it wanting.

For me, Chiropractic was, is and always will be, focused on the correction of subluxations for the reduction of nerve interference. D.D. Palmer hypothesised that vertebrae may obstruct the flow of energy by the spine-related nervous system from the brain to the organs and tissues; in that instance; Harvey Lillard’s ears. Palmer’s hypothesis was confirmed when adjustments restored Lillard’s hearing.

My original chiropractor hypothesised that, my symptoms were subluxation-related. Coincidental to him locating and adjusting my subluxations my symptoms abated, validating his hypothesis.

The foregoing two paragraphs played a central role in my subsequent life.

I attended Palmer Chiropractic College nearing the end of the era when it graduated students who went to prison for chiropractic. Some of them returned to Palmer to tell students of their prison experiences as they defended a reality that BJ Palmer asked the profession to ‘guard it well’.

Instead, many of today’s chiropractors abandoned that reality.

Later, when I met people from the WA government of the day, I expected true altruism. Discovering their political betrayal of patient and public interest shattered their pretence of being honourable. This was not an ignorant oversight. This was political corruption, the protection of vested self-interest in the guise of guarding patient wellbeing.

That protection of vested interests is still evidenced by the set of trade barriers that continue to deny many public patients direct access to Medicare funding for chiropractic care. This worldwide restraint of trade serves to defend pharmacy-based medicine’s billion-dollar vested interests.

It betrays, rather than protects the interests of patients who have subluxation-related disorders.

Chiropractors can stay on the periphery of political favour by choosing to agree that chiropractic is at fault, abandoning its essence. Or, we can confront politicians and bureaucrats, challenging this wrongdoing, and fall out of their favour.

Watching, constantly watching, silently judging, and comparing my system of values to theirs. Individually and collectively again and again most chiropractors failed all the way.

The media, government, Big Pharma and the medical profession encourage the dangerous deception that public health is safe. I was discussing what justifies the preclusion of chiropractors from public health with a medical bureaucrat when he suggested; ‘It’s a question of risk’.

Briefly, I discovered that medicine’s literature points to medical harm as distinct from the patient’s disorder being of epidemic/pandemic magnitude. Compared to that revelation, chiropractic is remarkably safe.

I tested the integrity of many MPs and key people in the mainstream media by providing compilations of the medical data and pointing out that ignorance of iatrogenic risk endangers future potential victims of the iatrogenic epidemic. Their silent informed inaction left their pretences of integrity tattered by their betrayal.

When chiropractors are acquainted with compilations of the medical data about iatrogenesis, they must decide to either be silent about the undisclosed iatrogenic epidemic or actively publicly oppose its concealment. Most choose silence.

Iatrogenic risk justifies chiropractic having precedence for managing subluxation-related disorders within health care. Medicine should not be used in those instances.

Australian chiropractors silently accepted decades of containment. I am shocked that my profession recently remained silent while Australia’s Establishment replaced philosophy-subluxation-based chiropractic with medically aligned scientific evidence-based mechanic chiropractic. In Australia, organised medicine is winning this marketing war!

Individually, each chiropractor can choose between silently accepting that, or a chiropractor may choose to be a lonely opponent to this exclusion.

Will your choice define your integrity?

I chose the lonely way


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