What Makes Chiropractic Separate and Distinct from Other Healthcare Professions?
Subluxation-related symptoms are due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and their effects on the diverse influences of the spine-related nervous system. The most commonly recognised subluxation-related symptoms include low back and neck pain and headaches. With the removal of subluxations, some patients note unexpected reductions in other established subluxation-related symptoms such as heightened irritability, tension and fatigue.
Chiropractic may help people of all ages benefit from having a healthy spine.
A recovering patient asks, “Why did my GP not recognise that mine was a subluxation-related disorder?”
Symptoms are a constructive warning that some part of your body is not working correctly. In the case of subluxation-related symptoms, the two quite different forms of management are:
- The medical approach is to mask the symptoms. Providing chemical concealment be it an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant or analgesic, does not address the subluxation causing the symptoms.
- The chiropractic approach is to have a chiropractor correct the subluxations causing symptoms.
What triggers subluxations?
At times most, if not all, people incur those stresses, are subluxations a usual response?
What causes the same subluxations to recur?
Can the spinal motion units in non-human vertebrates subluxate?
Who may benefit from chiropractic care?
What would the global market for locating and adjusting subluxations in humans or non-humans be worth?
Remember that vertebrates subluxate, regardless if they are human or non-human, hence chiropractic maintenance care, chiropractors detect and remove spinal nerve interference that may cause health complaints now or in the future.
Any comments? Michaelr@globaldial.com
[i] https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/chiropractic-market