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What Makes Chiropractic Separate and Distinct from Other Healthcare Professions?

Dr. McKibbin

Answer: Chiropractic’s signature role of locating and adjusting subluxation aims to assist the body in regaining normal function by removing interference to the spine-related nervous system.

Subluxation-related symptoms are due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and their effects on the diverse influences of the spine-related nervous system. The most commonly recognised subluxation-related symptoms include low back and neck pain and headaches. With the removal of subluxations, some patients note unexpected reductions in other established subluxation-related symptoms such as heightened irritability, tension and fatigue.

Chiropractic may help people of all ages benefit from having a healthy spine.

A recovering patient asks, “Why did my GP not recognise that mine was a subluxation-related disorder?”

Answer: The medical education of Australia’s doctors would not have included the detection of what chiropractors refer to as vertebral subluxations. Simply put, GPs do not know that their patients do or do not have a subluxation-related disorder.

Symptoms are a constructive warning that some part of your body is not working correctly. In the case of subluxation-related symptoms, the two quite different forms of management are:

  1. The medical approach is to mask the symptoms. Providing chemical concealment be it an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant or analgesic, does not address the subluxation causing the symptoms.
  2. The chiropractic approach is to have a chiropractor correct the subluxations causing symptoms.

What triggers subluxations?

Answer: Excessive emotional and/or physical and/or mental stress loading.

At times most, if not all, people incur those stresses, are subluxations a usual response?

Answer: Yes, seemingly subluxations are common to the human condition.

What causes the same subluxations to recur?

Answer: Applying the same or similar stress to a spinal motion unit that has a lowered stress-bearing tolerance may cause re-subluxation.

Can the spinal motion units in non-human vertebrates subluxate?

Answer: Yes, see this article

Who may benefit from chiropractic care?

Answer: Subluxated vertebrates, be they human or non-human.

What would the global market for locating and adjusting subluxations in humans or non-humans be worth?

Answer: Ever with organised medicine’s global marketing war on chiropractic “The global chiropractic market size valued at USD 19.6 billion in 2024.” [i] The mind boggles at the economic threat posed by chiropractic if the world’s animal and human vertebrates could have insurance-funded direct access to chiropractic care for the relief of their subluxation-related symptoms.

Remember that vertebrates subluxate, regardless if they are human or non-human, hence chiropractic maintenance care, chiropractors detect and remove spinal nerve interference that may cause health complaints now or in the future.

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