American medical associations in the USA were found guilty of conspiring to first contain, and eventually eliminate the profession of chiropractic. Later the chiropractor’s lawyer for that trial, George McAndrews, toured Australia to address Australia’s chiropractic community.

When George he came to Perth I had the pleasure of hosting him.
The W.A. Minister for Health refused to open our public meeting because it would conflict with his relationship with the medical profession.
On the evening of the meeting, I was waiting for George to arrive, when the WA Shadow Minister for Health, Ian Taylor, arrived. We knew one another. I asked Ian, How come you’re here? He replied that he disapproved of the Minister for Health‘s decision, so he would welcome George. I admire Ian for that act.
George McAndrews told the audience that, without a doubt, the conspiracy’s goal was to eliminate the world’s traditional chiropractic, as we knew it.
I had the opportunity to have in-depth discussions with George McAndrews. I detailed how Australia’s decades-long media blackout created public misconceptions about chiropractic by 1) omitting information about organised medicine’s international war on chiropractic. 2) Publishing the medical propaganda that falsely demeaned chiropractic as being an unscientific cult. George confirmed that the media in the USA did likewise.
When I asked George if chiropractic philosophy and the concept of vertebral subluxations are major targets of organised medicine’s global conspiracy, George replied, “Absolutely!”
Since George’s visit, Australia’s government has continued giving medically aligned AHPRA control over the elimination of traditional chiropractic. University courses have replaced philosophy-subluxation-based chiropractic with a medically aligned, evidence-based-mechanistic version of ‘chiropractic’.
Your action step? Please tell your acquaintances about the foregoing intrigue.
Best wishes,
Michael McKibbin DC