Within Australia and over decades, millions of prior failed medical public patients have shared satisfactory outcomes following chiropractic care for those same symptoms. I encourage our patients to email and ask their MP, Why does the government stop my chiropractor from:
- Providing adequate, directly accessible fully Medicare-funded chiropractic care?
- Publishing the fact that chiropractic’s usual death toll is zero, while the medical literature reveals thousands of deaths per year due to medical treatment as distinct from the patient’s disorder?
- Practicing philosophy-subluxation based-chiropractic?
- Publishing the fact that chiropractors focus on managing subluxation-related disorders.
- Caring for a wide array of non-evidence-based musculoskeletal and visceral, organ, subluxations related symptoms?
- Providing chiropractic care to public patients, including hospitalised and imprisoned patients?
- Publishing positive chiropractic information within government-funded health care publications?
- Publishing chiropractic’s successful patient outcomes while every day the medical profession’s PR people advertise positive medical stories in our news media?
- Signing initial worker’s compensation certificates?
- Being paid by the government for consulting and caring for veterans, with no need for a medical referral?
If you get a reply please share it with me at michael.mckibbin@attadalechiropractic.com.